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Thursday, August 21, 2008

My sweet Daugher

My sweet Lauren how you have grown! It is hard to remember you being so little to fit in your bassinet. Now you are so active at 4 1/2. You love to play games on the Internet, color, play outside with your best friends Jayd and Ruby, and you are so excited to go back to school in September! You miss going to kinder garden this year because you turn 5 in January. So 1 more yr. of pre-school for you.

It is more apparent everyday how much like your Father you are. When you are doing most anything you make sure it's done just perfectly. When you clean your room, everything has to be hanging "just right" and all the toys have to be put away in a specific way. If your singing a song and miss a word, you have to start the whole song over again so its just right!

You love to learn. Your so interested in specific things such as "Mom if we turn right, where does that road go?" Or you will say "Mom, lets drive past Valley Vista to go home this time" You have a good keen sense of direction.

I am thankful everyday that I have a healthy, intelligent beautiful daughter like you. You bring me so much joy and happiness. Seeing you grow, mature, and develop into your own little person slowly day by day is a little frighting at times that our little girl is almost 5 and ready to start school.

